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学院不断加快对源头创新的推动,大力集聚“创新联运平 台”创新建设,积极推进大学生创新体系建设,学院积极 调动师生参与大学生创新创业训练计划、大学生课余研究 计划(USRP活动)、科研训练、“挑战杯”系列赛事、国 内外设计竞赛等项目的积极性,形成了较好的多层次、互 动式、开放型创新实践平台,近年来学院指导学生在德国 红点奖、德国IF奖,美国IDEA奖,全国大学生工业设计大 赛,全国大学生广告艺术大赛,上海国际大学生广告节, 全国数字艺术设计大赛,上海市大学生工业设计大赛, “汇创青春”——上海大学生文化创意作品展示活动, “上图杯”先进成图技术大赛,2016上海市大学生公益广 告大赛等50余项国内外著名设计竞赛中获奖近400项。
source of innovation, vigorously gather "innovative transport platform" innovation and actively promote the construction of innovation system for college students, the College actively mobilize teachers and students to participate in innovation and entrepre- neurship training program, college students after school research program (USRP activities), scientific research training, "Challenge Cup" series of events, domestic and international design competition and other projects of the initiative, the formation of a better multi-level, interactive, open and innovative practice platform, in recent years, the college guide students in the German red dot award, the German IF Award, the United States IDEA Award, National University Students Industrial Design Competition, National Student Advertising Art Competition, Shang- hai International Student Advertising Festival, Nation- al Digital Art Design Competition, Shanghai University Students Industrial Design Competition, "Huichuang Youth" - Shanghai University Students Cultural and Creative Works Exhibition, Cup "advanced graphics technology contest, 2016 Shanghai University students public service advertising contest more than 50 famous design competition at home and abroad nearly 400 awards.