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学院每年都会进行常规的学生设计作品国际联展,先后与韩国光州大学、英国邓迪大学、英国诺森比亚大学、美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校、台湾玄奘大学、英国阿尔斯特大学、 荷兰代尔伏特大学、意大利那不勒斯第二大学、罗马一大、 德国汉诺威大学等十余所境内外院校开展学术交流、师生互访等,并达成合作协议或意向。 学院于2015年6月3日正式加入“国际设计艺术院校联盟 (Cumulus)“,踏入国际顶尖设计艺术院校序列。学院在国际交流方面的新拓展将为学院的整体发展和国际化 进程创造新的机遇和条件。
The School of Art Design and Media holds student exhibi- tion with international partners each year, and has cooperation with Korean Kwangju University, the University of Dundee, the University of Northumbria, the Univer- sity of New York State campus of Buffalo, Taiwan Xuan- zang University, the British University of Alster, the Universi- ty of the United States, the University of New York, The University of Delaul, the University of Naples, Italy, the second university in Naples, a large Rome, the University of Hannover, Germany, more than ten domestic and foreign institutions to carry out academic exchanges, visits between teachers and students, and reached a cooperation agreement or intention.
In 2015, the School of Art Design and Media officially joined Cumulus (the International Association of Universi- ties and Colleges of Art, Design and Media).